Spend an Evening with the Professionals!

An Evening with the Professionals meets every third Thursday of themonth. This is a studio field trip series which brings the audienceinto a different studio each month to talk to industry professionals abouta topic that changes monthly. The topic for July 17 (7-9 pm) is, "Whatwriters should know about producers." It is hosted by Rhythm & Hues, andthe speakers include Ken Roupenian (Producer at Rhythm & Hues), KareyMaltzahn (2D/Post Exececutive Producer at Rhythm & Hues), Lynne Southerland(Producer at Disney Home Video), Jeannine Roussel (Producer and Co-Directorat Disney Direct to Home Video Feature). Tickets are $10 for members, $20for non-members. The first event is free if you sign-up for Women InAnimation membership at the event. RSVP: Kellie-Bea Cooper atkellie-bea@kellie-bea.com, or Tel. (818) 623-0020. Space is limited. Youmust be put on admittance list. Rhythm and Hues Studios is located at 5404Jandy Place, Los Angeles, California.