Spider-Man 2 A Big Draw for IMAX in India

India's two commercially operated IMAX theaters reported the highest grossing screens in the country for SPIDER-MAN 2. The film was converted using IMAX DMR (Digital Re- Mastering) technology and released in India at the same time as the conventional 35mm version. In the 10 weeks since its release, nearly 130,000 people have visited the PRASADS IMAX Theatre in Hyderabad and the Adlabs IMAX Theatre in Mumbai to experience SPIDER-MAN 2 in IMAX's format. The theaters posted nearly 8% of the film's total box office in India on less than 1% of the total number of screens, with audiences willing to pay up to three times more for tickets to SPIDER-MAN 2: THE IMAX EXPERIENCE than the average ticket price of the 35mm release.

The emphatic consumer response to IMAX DMR films in India is further evidence of the worldwide appeal and staying power of The IMAX Experience, putting it on a par with China as the second largest market after the U.S.

"We were the first operator to open an IMAX theater in India and believed early on that moviegoers here would recognize the power of The IMAX Experience - and pay a premium price for it," said Pooja Shetty, director of Adlabs Film Ltd. "IMAX's format offers a whole new way to experience Hollywood films, and it's a major reason why more and more fans keep returning to our theatre."

"The success of our multiplex theatres with DMR in India and China has led to increased interest from exhibitors in the region," said Larry T. O'Reilly, evp, Theatre Development of IMAX Corp.

The noteworthy success of SPIDER-MAN 2: THE IMAX EXPERIENCE in India follows on news of strong results in China. The Peace Cinema IMAX Theatre in Shanghai sold out more shows of SPIDER-MAN 2 than any theater in the country, helping to propel it to one of the top performing theaters in China.

Founded in 1967, IMAX Corp. (www.imax.com) is one of the world's leading entertainment technology companies. As of June 30, 2004, there were 240 IMAX theatres operating in 35 countries.

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.
