Spike & Mike Fest

No, it's not "sick and twisted." It's "Spike & Mike's1998 Classic Festival of Animation," opening this Friday, April 10 at theCastro Theatre in San Francisco, California (running through April 22). Theprogram includes Pixar's Oscar-winning short, "Geri's Game," Piet Kroon's"T.R.A.N.S.I.T.," Aardman's "Stage Fright," Lasse Persson's "Hand in Hand,"Ben Gluck's "Man's Best Friend," Berad Beyreuther, Daniel Binder and RobertA. Zwirner's "Güten Appetit," Don Hertzfeldt's "Lily and Jim," BlairThornley's "Underwear Stories," Rob Breyne, Nico Meulemans and Lef Goosen's"Museum," Silke Parzich's "Spring," Zlatin Radev's "Shock" and AlexeiKaraev's "Welcome." The show is also booked at San Francisco's Palace ofFine Arts (April 24-May 9), and elsewhere in California, in Spike andMike's home town of La Jolla (April 3-June 13), Landmark's UC Theater inBerkeley (April 17-26), the Towne Theater in San Jose (April 24-May 14),The Lark Theater in Larkspur (May 15-28), Stanford University in Palo Alto(May 14-23), Lakeside Cinemas in Santa Rosa (May 29-June 4) and theaters inSonoma (June 26-July 2), and in Los Angeles (July 3-9) and Orange County(July 17-23). Additional confirmed showings are slated for Austin, Texas(June 26-July 16), Louisville, Kentucky (June 26-July 9), Kansas City,Missouri (July 3-9), Lexington, Kentucky (July 17-30), Atlanta, Georgia(August 7-13), Charleston, South Carolina (August 21-27), and in Canada atthe Ridge Theatre in Vancouver (April 17-May 10) and the Roxy Theatre inVictoria (May 15-21). "Geri's Game" director Jan Pinkava, producer KarenDufilho and others from Pixar will make appearances at the San FranciscoCastro show on Friday, April 10. Call (510) 762-BASS for advance tickets tothis show.

Dan Sarto's picture

Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.

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