Store Specials: Best of Zagreb Film

For the first time on video!! The best of Zagreb Film, plus RembrandtFilms' greatest hits, the Best of Bulgaria, and a second volume of TrnkaShorts.

THE BEST OF ZAGREB FILM IN FIVE ONE-HOUR VOLUMES: In four decades ZagrebFilm produced 600 animated films that won more than 400 internationalawards. The studio quickly became famous for a unique animation style thatbecame known as the Zagreb school. One of the studio's pioneeringdistinctions was that its filmmakers wrote, designed, and directed theirown films, resulting in boldly entertaining cartoons unified in design,tone, and message. Within these five volumes can be found the best workfrom this world renowned animation studio.

Volume One: The Classic Collection: Beginning with "Ersatz," the firstfilm from outside the US to win an Academy Award for best animated film,these seven cartoons are representative of the most unique offerings fromthe legendary Zagreb Film studio.

Volume Two: Laugh At Your Own Risk: Beyond all the metaphors, all thesymbolism, and all the awards, the animation from Zagreb Film will make youlaugh. These are among the funniest.

Volume Three: Be Careful What You Wish For: Fourteen stories of irony,double cross, and mystery. Some are hilarious, some poignant, all memorable.

Volume Four: Nudity Required: Some of Zagreb Film's most recognized andenduring films are not for children. These six explore imagery and thehuman condition with equal parts beauty and outrageousness.

Volume Five: For Children Only: Zagreb Film produced dozens of filmsparticularly for children, including the internationally distributedProfessor Balthazar and Little Flying Bears series. These eleven cartoonsinclude many of the studio's most acclaimed individual shorts for children.

Each tape is available for $26.15 shipping/handling included. The 5-tapecollection is available for $106.05.

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THE PUPPET FILMS OF JIRI TRNKA: TRNKA SHORTS VOLUME 2: The Czech puppetanimation master Jiri Trnka directed some of the most acclaimed animatedfilms ever made. In 1966, four years before his death, Newsday lauded himas "second to Chaplin as a film artist because his work inaugurated a newstage in a medium long dominated by Disney." Trnka continues to astoundaudiences, particularly those not familiar with his work. Trnka ShortsVolume 2 features: "Trnka Documentary," with clips of Trnka working on hispuppets and excerpts from his films; "A Drop Too Much," the tragic tale ofa motorcyclist, an early warning against drunk driving; and "Song of thePrairie," a parody of the wild American West. Availability: US, Canada,Mexico, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand. $26.15 shipping/handlingincluded.

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REMBRANDT FILMS' GREATEST HITS: Between 1959 and 1970 Rembrandt Filmsproduced more than 50 cartoons, including "Tom and Jerry" and "Popeye," aswell as its own theatrical shorts, which won five Academy Award nominationsand an Oscar. $26.15 shipping/handling included.

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THE BEST OF BULGARIA: Like Zagreb Film, the Sofia Animation Studio carvedits own unique niche with an original graphic style, quirky storytellingand dark comedy. $26.15 shipping/handling included.

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Read more about Zagreb Film and other European Animation Studios in thecurrent issue of Animation World Magazine. In "Legendary Eastern EuropeanAnimation Studios Struggle to Survive," Adam Snyder reports on the survivaltechniques of these studios shifting from a communist to capitalist marketsystem.
