Studio Peligroso announced the release of its debut web series “Long Slide Back,” an origin story within the studio’s Edutilos universe.
Press Release from Studio Peligroso:
Studio Peligroso announced the release of its debut web series Long Slide Back, an origin story within the studio’s Edutilos universe.
The series launched last week, and new episodes will become available every Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time beginning June 12th on their website and running through the end of July. Check out the first episode, below:
Founded in 2010, Studio Peligroso is an animation effects studio located in Taos, NM. As an integrated media company the company specializes in the cross-platform development of intellectual property.
“Video games, film, television and the web are all becoming one,” says Creative Director Dave Mansfield, “We focus on building a larger storyline so that audiences become more invested in the world as they are exposed to other mediums, encouraging them to explore and hopefully contribute new stories as well.”