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Tea Party Zombies Game Makes Conservative Heads Explode… Literally

StarvingEyes, an advergames company, has released a new first-person shooter titled TEA PARTY ZOMBIES MUST DIE!

StarvingEyes, an advergames company, has released a new first-person shooter titled TEA PARTY ZOMBIES MUST DIE! The game features prominent conservatives like Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck as zombies that players must either shoot in the head or bludgeon with a crowbar.

Fox News has gone livid about the game set in its studios, pointing out StarvingEyes connections with Hollywood. The company has created games for TLC, The CW, 20th Century Fox, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and NASCAR. However, the network's main focus of criticism hits liberals as hypocrites for criticizing conservatives for violent rhetoric, while producing this violent politically charged game. StarvingEyes refused to comment on the game or whether they had ever criticized conservatives about violent rhetoric previously.

Some of the walking dead in the game include generic conservatives, such as “Factory Made Blonde Fox News Barbie Who Has Never Had a Problem In Her Life Zombie" and "Koch Industries 'Koch Whore' Lobbyist Pig Zombie."

The partisan game also injects messages such as the repeal of Obama's health care reform would grow the deficit.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
