TELETOON, Canada's all-animation channel, is holding its TELETOON Animation Scholarship Award Competition 2003, recognizing the efforts and financial needs of young Canadian art students. A total of C$30,000 will be divided between 12 talented students with the prize amounts ranging from $1,000 to $4,000. The scholarship is separated into four categories: Entrance Scholarship (for high school students moving on to an animation program), Continuing Education Scholarship (for students pursuing their animation studies), Most Promising Student Scholarship (for students graduating from an animation program) and Mature Student (for an arts graduate pursuing further studies or career development in animation). The three finalists in each category will be announced at the closing ceremonies of the Student Animation Festival of Ottawa in October. The winners' work will also be showcased on TELETOON'S Website, and on both English and French networks. The submitted portfolios and reels will be judged by an advisory committee comprised of Canadian animation educators and industry professionals. The submission deadline is 5 p.m., Friday, May 16, 2003. For additional information or to obtain an entry form and regulations go to or e-mail Since the launch of the scholarship five years ago, almost C$150,000 has been awarded to students in Canada.