Three examples of the director’s stop-motion animation and directorial prowess are included in the prestigious “Motion Factory” show, running now through August 10 at La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris, France.
The music videos, short films and commercial work of Hayley Morris, an innovative animator and director with th1ng, has been featured in festivals across the world over the years. Now, three brilliant examples of her stop-motion animation and directorial prowess are included in the prestigious “Motion Factory” show, which runs now through August 10 at La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris, France.
The three animated music videos – “Bounce Bounce” from Hilary Hahn and Hauschka, “Dream The Dare” for Pure Bathing Culture, and “Joy” from Iron & Wine– all feature surreal landscapes of painstakingly crafted physical elements brought to life by Morris’ precise stop-motion animation skills. Each is a mesmerizing journey through imaginary worlds of high-flying ravens, exhilarating underwater effects and vibrant plant life.
Morris’ film “Undone” was honored as Best International Short Film at the 2009 Slamdance Festival. Her commercial work for the likes of Ad Council (McCann Erikson), Burt’s Bees (Baldwin&), Detroit Zoo (Doner), Paragard (Strikeforce), Haynes and Boone (Slingshot), Girl Guides of Canada (John ST Toronto), HumanaOne (RAPP), and Kate Spade has and continues to receive worldwide attention and praise.
The Motion Factory show is unique in that it emphasizes the creativity and hard work that many directors produce using hand-made and tactile films in this digital age. The show explores animation at the crossroads of physical touch and digitization. The directors chosen to present their work are considered the “best-of” and their work is highlighted beautifully at The Motion Factory.
Source: th1ng