Toei Animation has licensed the fifth season of the hugely popular animated series DIGIMON to Disney ABC Cable Networks Group for a fall 2007 debut on Toon Disney's Jetix block.
The fifth season of Toei's mega-hit animated series, titled, DIGIMON DATA SQUAD, follows the adventures of Marcus and Agumon as they challenge the menacing Digimon from the Digital World who intrude into the Human World to cause nothing but trouble. The pair is inducted into DATS (Data Squad) a special investigation unit called in to ensure planetary safety. Being a reformed schoolyard punk, Marcus learns to channel his belligerence toward the evil Digimon, and to work as a team to help protect the human world from ruin.
Toei Animation is producing 48 new episodes of DIGIMON DATA SQUAD, bringing the total number of DIGIMON half-hours to 253.
The DIGIMON franchise has secured international broadcast deals with more than 40 countries throughout North and South America, Europe and Asia.
Following in the tradition of the DIGIMON brand, Toei Animation Inc. is looking to develop a successful licensing program for the fifth installment of the series. The hit animated property has already generated approximately $72 million in merchandising sales for Japan alone.
"We are delighted to continue our association with ABC Cable Networks Group in bringing the newest season of the perennially popular DIGIMON to the Toon Disney Jetix block," said Yosuke Kobayashi, president/coo of Toei Animation Inc. Los Angeles. The popularity of DIGIMON continues to build, attracting new generations of fans which is the hallmark of a successful evergreen property."
Toei Animation Inc. (TAI,, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Toei Animation Co., Ltd. established in Los Angeles in 2004, looks forward to spreading the world-renowned Japanese animation studio's extensive library and pursuing co-production projects in North and Latin America and other English-speaking territories worldwide. The main business operations of TAI include film licensing in all media and emerging platforms, merchandise licensing and co-productions.