Toon Boom Animation announces the launch of Harmony 11, delivering new leading-edge capabilities related to bitmap drawing and advanced warped drawings, as well as significant timeline, workflow and user interface enhancements.
MONTREAL, Quebec -- Toon Boom Animation announced today the launch of Harmony 11, delivering new leading-edge capabilities related to bitmap drawing and advanced warped drawings, as well as significant timeline, workflow and user interface enhancements.
Available as a stand-alone and network version, Harmony is the ideal solution for creating films, TV series, games, webisodes, explainer videos, medical or legal animations, or any other type of animated content. Harmony is delivered with a series of new videos tips and video tutorials.
New Feature Highlights
- Bitmap and Vector Drawing
Draw entirely in bitmap, entirely in vector or mix the two. - Timeline Enhancements
Add scene markers, drawing markers and annotate your timeline. - Mesh Warp
Create up to a 10 x 10 grid of points and animate them over time. - User Interface Improvements
Work in a totally redesigned, modern new look—now with dark and light themes. - Simplified Workflow
Harmony is now divided into modules to support a paperless workflow. - Harmony Cloud*
Access your database server via the cloud for easy access for freelancers. - Additional Improvements
Benefit from the many workflow improvements.
* Available for Harmony Network only.
Harmony in the Classroom
Studios around the world are looking for quality animators familiar with the advanced animation techniques in the Toon Boom pipeline. As Harmony offers the most efficient, integrated pipeline for creating traditional and digital animation or a combination of techniques, students proficient in Harmony secure the competitive edge they need when embarking on their career in the animation industry. The Toon Boom Certification program provides a reliable validation of their skills and knowledge.
Source: Toon Boom Animation