In a father-son collaboration, Trunk Animation director Rok Predin creates a set of 18 spectacular visuals to accompany each track of the new album from one of Slovenia’s most respected singer-songwriters.
Trunk Animation director Rok Predin is no stranger when it comes to creating concert visuals. His backdrops for Keith Urban, Sir Elton John, the Queen’s jubilee concert and for Bingo Player’s latest tour have reached a combined audience of well over 30 million. But his latest work is far more personal and intimate. He has created a series of eighteen visuals to be used as a backdrop at his father Zoran’s recent concerts.
Zoran Predin is one of Slovenia’s most respected singer-songwriters, and with a string of hit singles to his name, has worked with one of Croatia’s most talented and respected pianists Matija Dedic on a bestselling album, Footprints in Memories. This album is a celebration and catalogue of well-known regional songs. Working together Matija and Zoran paired back the compositions to create a classical, yet minimalist sound that perfectly captures the emotion within the tracks. Following the success of the first album they have created a sequel that has also been well received, and which they are now touring.
The pair performed songs from both albums in two concerts, one in Ljubljana, the capital of Zoran’s Slovenia, on February 14th, and the second on February 28th in Zagreb, the capital of Matija’s Croatia, which is where the audiences got to see Rok’s backdrop for the first time.
Rok was asked to create eighteen pieces of work in all, one for each track. The team wanted to add a visual depth to the show, and ask their audience to re-imagine these old songs with their fresh compositions in a new light. Rok answered by creating an open, abstract approach to the visuals, giving a dream like quality to the whole performance. The visual sensibility changed the whole context of the shows. They in essence allowed the audience to re-connect to these songs they have loved and listened to for years, in their own special way, and all at the same time.
Each tableaux created references specific lyrics or encapsulates the feeling of each song. Rok notes “Most ideas come from the lyrics themselves such as the image of a burning rose which is from a song that deals with heartbreak and jealousy, other visual elements are more open, creating surprising juxtapositions that establish an emotional response”. The haunting and beautiful images all have a particular look that captures the visual handwriting Rok has grown up with. The artworks feel like they have taken strong influences of the past, but have a futuristic air to them, and it’s this timelessness quality that allows both audiences young and old to come together and enjoy these heritage tracks.
Rok continues, “ I approached each visual in terms of a theatre set or photograph, I wanted to introduce a bit of magic and surrealism to the songs and to have my loops come from unexpected places for the audience to enjoy.”
As to working with his father he notes, “We have always had a great relationship and it was humbling to have him trust and appreciate my input to something which, as a creative, I understand is so important and personal.”
Cut to one of Zoran’s most famous songs, “Wait for Me,” also featured on the album, for which Rok has put together a montage of the visuals: