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'Twilight' Leads Razzies with 11 Noms

Nominees for the 33rd Annual RAZZIE Awards, satirizing the Worst Achievements in Film for 2012, are announced.

The Razzie Awards – the annual event celebrating Hollywood's worst actors and filmmakers -- released its nominees this week, with The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II leading the pack with 11 total nominations.

Watch and read the official announcement, below:

Hollywood is reveling in the box office returns for 2012, their biggest money-making year ever. But despite the high-grossing hits, there were way more major misses among the 727 titles released last year – movies based on recycled premises, re-working concepts that were already tired a decade or more ago, and which were the cinematic equivalent of re-treaded tires. Those are the films The Golden Raspberry Awards have been annually dis-honoring since 1980.

Nominees for the 33rd Annual RAZZIE Awards, satirizing the Worst Achievements in Film for 2012, include several Repeat Offenders, returning for more pie-in-the-face/light-hearted joshing in the one Tinsel Town trophy derby no one wants to win. Adam Sandler is back, following up his record-setting 2011 RAZZIE “winner” JACK & JILL with an even more off-putting “family comedy,” THAT’S MY BOY. Focused on a scofflaw dad who fathered (then abandoned) a son with his 7th grade teacher, BOY amassed a total of 8 nominations, including Worst Picture and Worst Actor for Sandler himself – while also grossing about half what JACK & JILL did.

But Sandler’s misfire was topped by the final chapter in a franchise which has reliably racked up RAZZIE nominations year- after-year: TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART 2 (or as RAZZIE Wags call it, TWILIGHT: S.B.D. #2). The ultimate installment of the inexplicably successful series focuses on Shirtless Werewolf Jacob and his creepy relationship with the daughter of Sparkly Vampire Edward and Gloomy Goth Gal Bella. Together, the four face a final showdown that will determine the fate of Romantic-But-Boring Monsters everywhere. TWILIGHT #5 collected a total of 11 nominations, from only 10 categories. In addition to being up for Worst Picture and earning nominations for all 3 of its principal “actors,” it is also the first film ever to get dual Worst Screen Couple RAZZIE nods, one for Edward & Bella and one for Jason & the child Renesmee (who share an onscreen relationship fraught with inappropriate overtones).

In addition to TWILIGHT S.B.D. #2 and THAT’S MY BOY, Worst Picture nominees for 2012 include: The bazillion-dollar board-game-based box office blunder BATTLESHIP, the latest career-killing comedy from Eddie Murphy, A THOUSAND WORDS (which spent four years moldering in Paramount’s film vaults before scoring a “Perfect ZERO” Rating at and the lowest- grossing nationwide release of all time, THE OOGIELOVES IN BIG BALLOON ADVENTURE (which made a microscopic $47 per theatre on its opening night last August).

Performers up for the $4.79 gold-spray-painted trophy are a Who’s Who of Hollywood Royalty: Barbra Streisand got her 4th career nomination for the Christmas turkey GUILT TRIP – she’ll be competing for Worst Actress with Tyler Perry (in drag for the 87th time) in MADEA’S WITLESS PROTECTION, Kristen Stewart in TWILIGHT #5, Katherine Heigl and Milla Jovovich. Murphy, Pattinson and Sandler are joined on the Worst Actor list by Nicolas Cage and Perry again, this time for both of his 2012 “Non-Drag” movies, ALEX CROSS and GOOD DEEDS.

For nine of this year’s 10 RAZZIE categories, contenders were determined by seeking online votes from 647 G.R.A.F. Members in 47 U.S. states and 18 foreign countries. Nominations for the 10th category, Worst Remake, Rip-Off or Sequel, were determined by votes from 48,000 users at the popular movie review website Rotten “Winners” in all categories will be announced on the now traditional date of “Oscar Eve,” Saturday, February 23.

A complete list of nominees is available at

Source: The Golden Raspberry Award Foundation

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Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.