UFO Finishes Featuring and Wecker for VIVA Germany

UFO has just finished work on two ident packages for VIVA Germany. The director team started work developing ideas for the two concepts in early October 2010.

 Press Release from UFO

UFO has just finished work on two ident packages for VIVA Germany. The director team started work developing ideas for the two concepts in early October 2010.

Starting with the ident package and title sequence for WECKER, a morning music show, UFO came up with the idea of focusing a story set around a bedside table. As the alarm clock strikes 6AM miniature versions of a typical morning routine spring to life around the table. Using a mix of 3D animation, Stock footage and Stop Motion animation techniques shot using a CANON 5D the result is a surprising mix of real and unreal events.

FEATURING, which is a show that documents the lives of known celebrities and stars of music and film, was also conceptualised by UFO. Shot at Mathematic Studio, again with the CANON 5D but this time using hand models in real time, the concept was to show diary entries for a range of illuminating and diverse characters. From Goth to POP, to Movie Stars to Skaters each page turn reveals insights about the individual personas. Created using 3D animation and 2D Compositing in After FX. Music for both film were composed by Tim Burns of www.thrum.co.uk