Continuing a 50 year-old Hollywood Animation tradition, Los Angeles, New York and London-based Unbound has moved its Unbound Animation Studio into the buildings occupied by Playhouse Pictures since 1952. Playhouse, which is relocating to larger facilities in West Los Angeles, is recognized by the City Council of Los Angeles as the oldest continuously operating animation studio in Hollywood, and second oldest (after Disney) in the world. Animated classics such as the opening title sequences for YOU BET YOUR LIFE with Groucho Marx, and over 3500 commercials and short-subject films have been produced in the Playhouse Pictures studio. Unbound Studios, headed by Bill Janczewski, is an emerging supplier of broadcast design and series animation, and works with entertainment giants such as Warner Bros., Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Universal, Nickelodeon, Mattel, MTV, Comedy Central, Sony Pictures and Sesame Workshop. Dan Woolery, Playhouse Pictures executive producer, commented on Unbounds ascension: "Although we are emotional about moving from Hollywood, our home for the past half-century, we are pleased that the animation tradition my grandfather, Adrian Woolery, founded 50 years ago continues in these historic buildings with the creative spirit of everyone at Unbound Studios." Renovations of the buildings will take place over the next few months as Unbound settles into the space.