New York City-based THE ATTIK has created the new visual style for UnitedParamount Network (UPN), the sixth largest network in the US, to help brandits new identity for its fall season. This includes promos, opens,transitions, and ids. To create the package, The Attik developed a seriesof models formed from translucent plastic and glass, and photographed themon an animation bed. The elements were edited to generate a sense offluctuation in the energy of the UPN logo, which was then combined with asecond level of abstracted tonal value and a 3D rendered version of thelogo. The Attik's Jon Thompson, using Media 100 and After Effects, createdthe animated elements, and Christian Perez, using Electric Image, createdthe 3D elements, all of which were taken into Henry and composited at SanFrancisco-based Realtime Video by Sean McLean.