The 7th World Animation Celebration (WAC) arrives in L.A. on Tuesday, May30, 2000 - Sunday, June 4, 2000 for its festival and internationalcompetition. WAC will showcase more than 800 films, including the best inboth classic and contemporary animation. As the main attraction, WAC willpresent awards to the best new animated works from around the world. TheWorld Animation Celebration will present a trade show, an internationalbusiness conferenece, world and American film premieres, seminars,symposiums, tributes, salutes to new European animation, special programson new computer animation and a survey of the world's best animatedcommercials. Cash prizes, awards and commissions will be presented towinners in categories that include feature and short films, televisionseries, television specials, commercials, public service announcements,educational films, experimental animation, computer animation, andanimation intended for children. For more information contact the WorldAnimation Celebration at 30101 Agoura Court, Suite #110, Agoura, CA 91301;Tel.: (818) 575-9615; Fax: (818) 575-9620; E-mail:; orvisit