Vinton Studios has created a computer animated short that will screen at the opening of the SIGGRAPH 2002 Animation Theater. WASHED UP stars a scruffy looking beach bum who is shown getting spruced up for his trip to Texas for SIGGRAPH 2002. He puts on his cowboy hat and boots, and even a Texas star embossed pocket protector. As the story unfolds, it is revealed that he is actually stranded on a desert island and in his haste has forgotten the most important part of his outfit -- his pants. Vintons CG artists used Maya to animate and render WASHED UPs main character and the environments. Deep Paint was used for the texturing, and Shake and Flame were used for compositing. SIGGRAPH 2002 takes place July 21 26, 2002 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas. For more information go to