Directed by Sanjay Patel and produced by Nicole Paradis Grindle, ‘Sanjay's Super Team’ plays ahead of the studio’s newest feature, ‘The Good Dinosaur,’ beginning November 25th.
See what happens when super worlds collide in this first clip from Sanjay's Super Team, the new Pixar short playing ahead of The Good Dinosaur.
Directed by Sanjay Patel and produced by Nicole Paradis Grindle, Sanjay's Super Team follows Patel’s journey from a California kid watching cartoons to a man respecting his father's Indian traditions. In a scene similar to Patel's own San Bernardino upbringing, the short opens with Sanjay glued to the TV when Dad interrupts for morning meditation. The meditating pair are then joined by three Hindu deities -- Durga, Vishnu and Hanuman -- who come to life inside Sanjay’s imagination to form a super hero team.
Watch the new clip, and check out the vibrant concept art from the film, below:
Sanjay’s Super Team will play in front of Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur, which opens in theaters on November 25th.
Source: Disney/Pixar