The new hand-drawn six-minute short film from animation legend Richard Williams begins its Oscar-qualifying run at the Laemmle Royal in West LA on Friday, September 11.
Prologue, the new short film from animation legend Richard Williams (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Thief and the Cobbler), will begin its Oscar-qualifying run at the Laemmle Royal in West LA this Friday, September 11.
The long-awaited six-minute short, directed by Williams and produced by his longtime collaborator (and spouse) Imogen Sutton, will play once a day ahead of matinee screenings through September 17. Showtimes are still to be announced.
Hand-drawn and dialog-free, Prologue first debuted at Annecy and just had its U.S. premiere at the Telluride Film Festival. In the film, which was conceived as part of a larger project, two Spartans and two Athenians fight to the death while observed by a little girl.
Check out the trailer for Prologue, in which the three-time Oscar recipient shares his vision intercut with footage from the film, in the player below:
Source: Animators Survival Kit