This month's Producing Animation excerpt by Catherine Winder and Zahra Dowlatabadi features stories of advice from the pitching room...
Producing Animation: Buying and Selling Projects
This month's Producing Animation excerpt by Catherine Winder and Zahra Dowlatabadi features stories of advice from the pitching room!
Who was right and who was wrong in the "June Bugs" Cartoon Network fiasco? Martin "Dr. Toon" Goodman reveals that that is not the is, of course, a much deeper issue.
The Career Coach: Jobs In A Visual Effects House Defined - Part One
Part One of a three-part series that describes the steps involved in different specialties of visual effects production, the specific skills required for each specialty as well as what the studios are looking for in a portfolio and demo reel.
Each week, Animation World Magazine offers new articles, special features and theme-based coverage of the art, craft and industry of animation.