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Where The Wild Things Are Sails Through Opening Weekend

WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE sailed through its opening weekend, Oct. 16-18, at #1, raking in $32.7 million for Warner Bros.

WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE sailed through its opening weekend, Oct. 16-18, at #1, raking in $32.7 million for Warner Bros. Overture's LAW ABIDING CITIZEN came in #2 for its opening weekend, earning $21 million.

Paramount's PARANORMAL ACTIVITY continues to surge, now its fourth week, jumping from #5 to #3, earning $19.6 million. COUPLES RETREAT raked in $17.2 million and the #4 spot for Universal in its second week.

THE STEPFATHER came in fifth on its opening weekend, earning $11.6 million. CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS, now in its fifth week, dropped to #6 and brought in $8 million over the weekend. Sony's ZOMBIELAND earned $7.6 million in its third week. Buena Vista's TOY STORY & TOY STORY 2 re-release in 3-D came in at #8, earning $3 million during its third week.

SURROGATES dropped to ninth in its fourth week, earning $1.9 million. WB's THE INVENTION OF LYING came in at #10 for its third week, earning $1.9 million.

In other news from animated films at the box office: G.I. JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA came in #18, earning $400,000.

Box office numbers were found on
