Syndicated epic fantasy series, previously known as WIZARD'S FIRST RULE, will officially launch as LEGEND OF THE SEEKER, it was announced Thursday at Comic-Con during a panel led by series executive producers Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert.
LEGEND OF THE SEEKER combines elements of fantasy, adventure, magic, mystery and romance, shot in New Zealand.
In addition, the exec producers also announced that Bruce Spence, Jay Laga'aia and Craig Parker will join previously announced lead actors Craig Horner (Richard Cypher) and Bridget Regan (Kahlan) in the first-run, scripted weekly series. Bruce Spence (MAD MAX 2 and THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS) portrays Zedd, a wise and powerful old wizard who accompanies Richard and Kahlan on their epic journey; Jay Laga'aia (STAR WARS EPISODE II and STAR WARS EPISODE III) stars as Chase, a loyal and fearsome member of the Councilor's Guard; and Craig Parker (THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING) plays Darken Rahl, a charismatic bloodthirsty tyrant that Richard must prevent from unleashing an ancient evil that will enslave the world.
Raimi and Tapert previously worked on HERCULES: THE LEGENDARY JOURNEYS and XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS. The new series will kick off with a two-hour premiere event on November 1, 2008.
LEGEND OF THE SEEKER has been cleared by Disney-ABC Domestic Television in 95 percent of the country to date, including all of the top 50 markets. Production on the 22-episodes is currently underway in New Zealand. The one-hour series is based on Terry Goodkind's book WIZARD'S FIRST RULE and epic fantasy series THE SWORD OF TRUTH.
LEGEND OF THE SEEKER is produced by ABC Studios, marking their first venture into broadcast syndication. Raimi, Tapert, Joshua Donen, Ned Nalle and Kenneth Biller serve as exec producers.