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Tagged With: Amazon EC2

Do it in the Cloud! Headline News

AWS Launches SimSpace Weaver Spatial Simulation Service

The fully managed pay-as-you-go compute service allows users to run and test complex, immersive 3D experiences and visualize large-scale scenarios in real-time.

It’s in the cloud! Headline News

Atomic Cartoons Scales Creative Pipeline with AWS

By Dan Sarto | Friday, July 8, 2022 at 8:35am

Cloud solution specialists, DeadDrop Labs, helped the studio with custom integration of Amazon Web Services and Pixar Tractor, making for a smooth transition to scalable, cloud-based rendering.

It’s in the cloud! Headline News

Pixomondo Looks to AWS for Virtual Production Stage Collaboration

Leading VFX studio has integrated Amazon Web Services into its next-gen entertainment production workflow to optimize remote connectivity and support real-time iterations for immediate review and feedback.

Technology Headline News

Weta Goes All-in on AWS for Animation and VFX in the Cloud

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 11:26am

Pioneering visual effects company, known for ‘Avatar’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings,’ has chosen Amazon Web Services to create a new, cloud-based visual effects workflow.

Amazon Headline News

AWS Thinkbox Showcases Complete Cloud-Based Studio Workflow at SIGGRAPH 2019

System integrates virtual workstations, rendering and storage solutions that creative studios can quickly scale up or down with and pay for based only on usage.