Method Studios Visualizes the Quantum Realm for ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’
Led by VFX supervisor Andrew Hellen, Method artists visualize the unimaginable for the new Marvel Studios feature directed by Peyton Reed.
Led by VFX supervisor Andrew Hellen, Method artists visualize the unimaginable for the new Marvel Studios feature directed by Peyton Reed.
Method delivers 18-foot keyframe animated demon, CG environments and more for the new blockbuster hit from Marvel Studios.
From a skeletal ectoplasm-spewing-monster to a Heavy Metal ghoul, Deluxe-owned VFX house helps bring some of the film’s most memorable supernatural characters to life.
Led by VFX supervisors Glenn Melenhorst and Andrew Hellen, Deluxe-owned visual effects studio completes 500 shots for Sony’s ‘Ghostbusters’ reboot.