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Tagged With: Duncan Rouleau

Heroes and Goo Coming to You Headline News

‘Heroes of Goo Jit Zu’ Animated Series in Development

Moose Toys and Man of Action Entertainment will create the show, which will feature the beloved goo-filled action heroes who always fight to save the day; current YouTube series boasts 12 episodes with over 335 million views.

Business Headline News

Carl Reed Launches Composition Media Animation Studio

Producer of Oscar-winning animated short ‘Hair Love’ opens new shingle with 2 animated features and an animated series; content creation to highlight minority and underrepresented communities.

TV Animation Headline News

Video Game-Embedded Animated Series ‘Hello Neighbor: Welcome to Raven Brooks’ Launches

tinyBuild hopes to pioneer cross-media storytelling, with the series debuting inside their ‘Hello Neighbor 2’ video game that launched December 6.