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Tagged With: Gender

Media and Entertainment Diversity Headline News

Netflix Releases ‘USC Annenberg Study on Film & Series Diversity’

Read the report - the study, a commitment to accountability and the promotion of change in the industry, conducted in concert with the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, gauges the streamer’s progress in ‘Film & Series Diversity.’

Opinion ANIMATIONWorld

Cheer and Loathing in Animation: Episode XLI - Cheap Buttons

Every Friday Chris Robinson unleashes improvised and hastily scribbled cheer or loathing on the animation community to be digested, swallowed or... expelled. Today: the exploitation of doing the right thing.

Opinion ANIMATIONWorld

Cheer and Loathing in Animation: Episode XXXIV - Disarm the Settlers

Every Friday, Chris Robinson unleashes improvised and hastily scribbled cheer or loathing on the animation community to be digested, swallowed or... expelled. Today, some cheer for animation's defiant and foul mood.

animated short films ANIMATIONWorld

Animators Unearthed - Michaela Pavlátová

Every Monday, Chris Robinson serves up Animators Unearthed, a brief introduction to prominent and not-so-prominent indie animators. Today's guest is the Czech animation legend, Michaela Pavlátová.

CalArts Headline News

CalArts to Present Second Annual Symposium on Gender Bias in Animation

Second annual ‘Animated Woman Symposium on Gender Bias’ exploring how female characters are presented in animated films to be held December 9 at 5:00 p.m. in Langley Hall on CalArts campus in Valencia, CA.