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Tagged With: Jay Surridge

Submit Your Work Headline News

SPARK ANIMATION Returns to Vancouver In-Person and Online

British Columbia’s only Oscar-accredited festival is back as a hybrid event, with an expansive program of talks, presentations, screenings, and career networking events, running October 27 – November 30; submissions still being accepted through September 16.

Adult Animation Madness! Headline News

Bobby Moynihan’s ‘The Pole’ Coming to SYFY’s Adult Animation Block in 2021

By Dan Sarto | Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 1:14pm

Scandal and intrigue at the North Pole means there’s a twisted power struggle afoot for the venerable red suit, in the edgy-new animated comedy from Yeti Farm Creative.

TV Animation Headline News

John Cena’s Mutha Truckin’ ‘Dallas and Robo’ Headed to SYFY’s TZGZ Animation Block

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 12:20pm

Premiering August 8, the 8-episode adult comedy about a foul-mouthed ex-stock car racer and her AI robot sidekick also stars Kat Dennings.