BFI Announces New LAIKA Exhibit and Screening Series
LAIKA: FRAME x FRAME runs August 12 through October 1 at BFI Southbank alongside a screening series of the studio’s five Oscar-nominated stop-motion animated feature films.
LAIKA: FRAME x FRAME runs August 12 through October 1 at BFI Southbank alongside a screening series of the studio’s five Oscar-nominated stop-motion animated feature films.
Showcasing the art, science, and innovation of stop motion animation, the BFI Southbank ‘Season’ includes the ‘LAIKA: Frame x Frame’ exhibition, special talks with Guillermo del Toro, Henry Selick, The Brothers Quay, Suzie Templeton, and other top filmmakers, as well as screenings of films like ‘Coraline,’ ‘Street of Crocodiles,’ ‘Jason and the Argonauts,’ ‘Chicken Run,’ and the original ‘King Kong.’