‘Stranger Things: The First Shadow’ Stage Play to Hit Broadway
The show, which serves as prequel to the beloved Netflix series, will run at the Marquis Theatre in 2025 beginning March 28 ahead of opening night on April 22.
The show, which serves as prequel to the beloved Netflix series, will run at the Marquis Theatre in 2025 beginning March 28 ahead of opening night on April 22.
The short Twitter video gives glimpses of footage from several scenes in the Netflix series, possibly even some clues about the final season, with the play premiering at London’s Phoenix Theatre November 17.
With Season 4 of the live-action phenomenon garnering 1.35 billion viewing hours in its first 28 days, Netflix is promising fans more strange days ahead with a new animated series.
The hugely popular Netflix series’ co-executive producer Kate Trefry has penned ‘Stranger Things: The First Shadow,’ a prequel stage play that will premiere at London’s Phoenix Theatre in late 2023.