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Tagged With: suicide prevention

Recognizing Japan’s Child Suicide Epidemic ANIMATIONWorld

‘Lonely Castle in the Mirror’ Reflects Japan’s Ugly Rise in Child Suicide and Bullying

Director Keiichi Hara discusses his anime feature about a young girl, mercilessly harassed at school, who escapes through a portal to an enchanted castle where she and a group of teens must play a game together to uncover the mysterious connection that unites them; the GKIDS film’s limited North American theatrical run begins June 21.

Helping People by Helping Pets; Bernardo Romero ANIMATIONWorld

‘The Bridge’: A Lonely Man, An Abandoned Dog... and a Life-Saving Bond

Bernardo Romero’s tearful and truthful animated short about a despondent New Yorker and a stray pup whose paths cross on the Brooklyn Bridge – based on the director’s own chance 2008 subway encounter – is helping the PAWS NY non-profit change lives.

PSAs Headline News

Wonder Media Addresses Teen Suicide in ‘My Life is Worth Living’ Animated Series

Produced in partnership with the Cook Center for Human Connections, project provides a safe, nonjudgmental platform using relatable teen stories to teach suicide prevention strategies; episodes available on show’s YouTube channel.

Commercials Headline News

Zoic Crafts First-Person Shooter Experience for ‘No Extra Life’ Gun Safety PSA

By Dan Sarto | Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 11:42am

Studio’s new fully CG spot drops viewer into frantic video game race to find loved one after realizing unsecured gun is missing from a drawer.

Covid-19 Headline News

‘Whatever Gets You Talking’ Music Video Encourages Young People to Discuss Mental Health

By Dan Sarto | Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11:09am

‘Seize the Awkward’ campaign releases animated short inspiring young people to check in with friends and support their mental health; video features rapper Akinyemi, pop icon Meghan Trainor and music and digital stars Addison Rae, Avery Cyrus, Bryce Xavier, James Henry, The McFarlands, Molly Burke, mxmtoon and brothers Zach Valentine and Pat Ramirez.