TV Asahi, Sony Pictures Networks India Team on ‘Obocchama-Kun’ Sequel Series
The 2D comedy, which follows the hilarious adventures of Chama, a “crazy rich” boy with his outrageous school and family life, premieres at MIPCOM 2024 on October 21.
The 2D comedy, which follows the hilarious adventures of Chama, a “crazy rich” boy with his outrageous school and family life, premieres at MIPCOM 2024 on October 21.
‘Kami.App’ and ‘Protocol: Rain’ debut in Japan and worldwide, with the shows streaming as simulcasts on the Arabic streaming platform this week.
New kids’ entertainment company teams up with Canadian creators Andrew Sabiston and Ron Rubin to develop original kids’ show where adventure, learning, laughter, and music are at the heart of every episode.
Singapore-based media company August Media Holdings, Philippines-based animation and game developer Synergy88 and Japanese national broadcaster TV Asahi announce a partnership to produce new animated series aimed at young adults.