Milt Vallas's Recent Posts
Everyone's a critic so I went to a screening - sky blue shirt was wrong for an evening event...
Award Shows - Can't get enough!
Love them or hate them, we can't do without them. Yes, Award Shows are as American as apple pie and they're here to stay.
It's all about ME!
First blog introduction with a brief trip review of where I want to go and what I want to see along the way. Jump in, plenty of room inside.
Digital Technology in Asian Studios
From Korea to India and from digital ink and paint to motioncapture, Milt Vallas discusses the introduction of digital technology intothe animation production process of Asian studios.
China - The Awakening Giant: Animation And Broadcasting In The Mainland
Milt Vallas takes us inside China to understand this giant and its current bid for the world's attention.
The Korean Animation Explosion
Milt Vallas reports on Korea's growth from humble beginnings to big business. This Asian dynamo is striving to be taken seriously by the international animation community.