As the year comes to an end, Pam reflects about the need to be happy in all the things you do.
It’s the end of another year. How will you celebrate? The comedian Brian Regan points out that many people go crazy filling the air with yelps and hollers and joyful noise and fireworks to celebrate the one second when the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve. As Regan puts it, “Can you imagine if somebody knew how to celebrate every second of their life with that kind of zeal?”
That got me thinking about how I spend the seconds of my life. Am I celebrating every moment? Living as many seconds as I can with zeal? Are you? Are you spending your time doing something that fills you with joy? As we enter the holiday season, take a few seconds to reflect on things you enjoy. Do you like making homemade cards that show off some of your art skills? Do you like giving parties that demonstrate your organizational talents? Do you observe holiday traditions like caroling or making cookies or serving food at a shelter? What makes you happy? Resolve to do more of those things in 2014.
It’s true that we may not have the energy to revel in every second of our lives, but we can certainly muster enthusiasm and a positive attitude in everything we do. Years ago I traveled to Hays, Kansas, and met a woman who had as much sparkle in her eyes as the antique crystal chandelier she polished in the restaurant where we ate lunch. She knew all about the history of that chandelier and took pride in her work. Do you have the same passion in your daily tasks? Or do you view it as drudgery? The attitude is up to you. As you go about your day, be joyful, just because you get to work towards your dreams and you are alive. Do everything with passion and zeal. You’ll be amazed at how enthusiastic you’ll feel. And you’ll be surprised at how many more seconds are truly worth celebrating
Pamela Kleibrink Thompson is a career coach specializing in helping creative people succeed. She also recruits for companies in visual effects, animation, games and design. She speaks at schools and conferences about how to create a career you love. To reach her for private consultations, recruiting or speaking engagements, email sends e-mail).