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Column: Career Coach


May Day! Getting Laid Off or Fired Sucks… But Change Can Be for the Better

Creative Career Coach Pamela Kleibrink Thompson shares how though our industry is suffering through tumultuous, post pandemic times… if you’re out of work, use the time to recharge, reconnect, refocus… even transform.

Make it Easy for Recruiters ANIMATIONWorld

Career Coach: The Secret to Getting Hired - Contact Info

You’d be surprised at how difficult some artists make it for recruiters by neglecting to provide the simplest – and most important – information.

Glen Keane ANIMATIONWorld

Career Coach: The Short and the Long of It

Glen Keane has persisted in animation since 1974, not only garnering an Oscar nomination for his latest short film 'Dear Basketball,' but landing the directing role on a new animated feature film for Netflix.
