The Career Coach: Resume Tips
As a recruiter, career coach, and business consultant I have seen literally thousands of resumes. I get three or four a day on a slow day. Here is what bugs me the most...
As a recruiter, career coach, and business consultant I have seen literally thousands of resumes. I get three or four a day on a slow day. Here is what bugs me the most...
I recently got a message in a fortune cookie--"A wise man knows everything.A shrewd one, everybody." That message is the essence of networking.
You've heard it before. To get a good job in the entertainment industry, youhave to know someone. But that's okay, because you do know someone. And that someone knows someone.If you have enough someones in your network, you can get a good job. Thismonth I am going to tell you what networking is and how it works. Next monthyou'll read about how to do it.
Through a series of pointed questions we take a look at the relationship between educators, industry representatives and students. See what Students have to say.
Through a series of pointed questions we take a look at the relationship between educators, industry representatives and students. See what Industry Reps have to say.
Through a series of pointed questions we take a look at the relationship between educators, industry representatives and students. See what Educators have to say.