Anibar unfolds its film program for the 9th edition

Anibar – International Animation Festival presents its competition program for the ninth edition of the festival.

Anibar – International Animation Festival presents its competition program for the ninth edition of the festival.

From 1095 films that applied to be part of the ninth edition of the festival, 220 films were selected to be screened in Jusuf Gervalla Cinema, Istref Begolli Cinema, Lake Cinema and Cubes Cinema. 152 films will be screened in the competition program for the best within the International competition, the best animated film made by students, the best animated film produced in the Balkans, the best featured animated film and the best animated music video. Out of competition program will be the Panorama and Kids and Teens programs.

To navigate on the interactive program, click on the link: Program, and to download the full list of films check out the 2018 Program.

In addition to competitive programs, Anibar festival screens special programs as well, to complement this editions theme. These special programs and their themes will be announced soon.

Anibar International Animation Festival will be held in Peja from 13th to 19th of August 2018.