Chris Robinson chats with the groundbreaking lo-fi 3D animator.
Animation writer and Ottawa International Animation Festival programmer Chris Robinson sits down with a variety of animation types to fondle their minds through informal chats about animation, life and whatever else they feel like discussing.
In the latest episode of The Animation Pimpcast (recorded live during the 2014 Ottawa International Animation Festival), Chris Robinson sits down with animation wunderkind David OReilly. In part one of their interview (part two has yet to be recorded but will one day), OReilly discusses his childhood in Ireland, making indie animation in Germany, eating and sharing Japanese potato chips and creating the anti-video game, Mountain.
David OReilly is an Irish animator based in Los Angeles. A bright star on the international short film circuit, OReilly is known for his groundbreaking lo-fi 3D animation, absurdist sense of humor along with his clever and playful use of social media. His design and film work (notably Please Say Something, The External World) has won him a big boatload of awards at too many festivals to fit the required space here.