Back in the Saddle

After much thought, I have decided to turn on the "comments" section of this blog. It may take a little while for that to actually happen. I cleaned out some 20,000 spam thingys - they were like slugs sticking to my entries. To that end, I deleted many entries that had the "slugs" attached.
As always, I have been drawing and animating, directing and so on.

It has been and continues to be a VERY busy time - but you know what - I love it that way!
Here are some recent drawings...

Ty B. with All the Alien from RUPERT'S OLYMPIC FEET

Ty B. with All the Alien from RUPERT'S OLYMPIC FEET

Ty B. Bear is still a favorite - his musings have become a bit more expansive...

Ty B. Bear thinking of animation - it's all around him

Ty B. Bear thinking of animation - it's all around him

And I have some watercolors, too.

I painted this scene while at breakfast at the Old Avon Farms Inn in Connecticut

I painted this scene while at breakfast at the Old Avon Farms Inn in Connecticut

Since we don't have snow in Savannah (thank goodness!!!) This was the first time I painted considering snow. By the way, the watercolor artwork at the Old Avon Farm Inn was all original. I just walked the halls - studying the watercolors. "Security, get that wandering artist!"

A view from Cafe Loco on Tybee Island

A view from Cafe Loco on Tybee Island