Call for interactive projects - Dok Leipzig 2016

Call for interactive projects - Dok Leipzig 2016, the submission deadline is July 7, 2016

Share your work with our Leipzig audience

DOK Leipzig is calling on you to submit your interactive works for the 59th edition of the festival.
We are looking for impressive and unique artistic works that implement technology in a surprising and enhancing way.

WebDocs, VR, games, installations and apps are all welcome examples of non-film experiences we'd like to share with our audience during a week-long public exhibition. Take a closer look at how the works were presented on the Leipzig Marketplace in 2015 here.

Maybe your interactive work is part of a film you already submitted? Please let us know in the entry form!


07/07/2016 (final entry deadline)

There is no submission fee for interactive works.

"Work in progress" submissions are also welcome, so long as the work will be presentable at the festival.

Submit your work through our MYDOK platform and find more information on the submission and the regulations here.