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Cartoon Springboard 2019 - pitching event for young talents in Valencia, Spain

CARTOON SPRINGBOARD gives young European animators who have graduated from school within the last 5 years an opportunity to test out their new animation project on a team of animation experts and receive valuable feedback.

Most pitching Competitions are designed for professional directors and producers, but CARTOON SPRINGBOARD gives young European animators who have graduated from school within the last 5 years an opportunity to test out their new animation project on a team of animation experts and receive valuable feedback.

If you fit the criteria I urge you to check out CARTOON SPRINGBOARD because it is an invaluable opportunity to start your professional pitching career out on the right foot. 

Below, you'll find attached the toolbox with all the information about Cartoon Springboard, our pitching event for the young talents who'd like to test their animation project (TV Series, TV Special, feature films, cross-media) and pitch in front of professionals (producers, broadcasters, distributors).

It's a good and safe place to pitch and it really helps the projects to further develop.

It will take place this year in Valencia, Spain (30 Sept - 2 Oct).

Here is their FB link:

Attached Files 
1049302-cartoonspringboardtoolbox2019.pdf10.38 MB