Walt Disney Animation Studios’ latest musical, which tells the story of a family where each child is blessed with a magic gift, except for one, beats out ‘Flee,’ ‘Luca,’ ‘My Sunny Maad,’ and ‘Raya and the Last Dragon,’ to win the season’s first big animation award.
With minimal ceremony and no live broadcast – the awards were announced on Twitter - the Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced the winners of its 79th Golden Globes Awards last night.
Walt Disney Animation Studio’s Encanto, nominated in three categories, took home the award for Best Motion Picture – Animation, beating out Flee, Luca, My Sunny Maad and Raya and the Last Dragon.
Directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush, co-directed by Charise Castro Smith (who also co-wrote the film with Bush), and produced by Yvett Merino and Clark Spencer, with new songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the CG animated musical tells the story of a family where each child is blessed with a magic gift, except for one.
Reflecting on the win, Howard shared on Twitter:
Deeply honored by this recognition, and by so many people around the world connecting w/#Encanto. Thank you to my partners Jared, Charise, Yvett, Clark, Jenn, & of course, Lin, Germaine, cast & crew. We are so proud to be a part of films that celebrate diversity & understanding. pic.twitter.com/66XiUXHSad
— Byron Howard (@ByronPHoward) January 10, 2022
Merino tweeted:
GRATEFUL. Grateful to be working w/ the best animation team. Grateful to have worked w/ the best music & voice talent. Grateful for @thejaredbush @ByronPHoward @ChariseCastroS1 & #ClarkSpencer Grateful to be a part this film at this particular time in history. #Encanto https://t.co/5bY8aUY5UK
— Yvett Merino (@yvettmf) January 10, 2022
Bush shared a tweet as well:
Overwhelmed. So grateful the work of so many dear friends is resonating and people are connecting with our story of family, generations, empathy and perspective. Forever indebted to @Lin_Manuel & @germaine_franco, our dream cast & @DisneyAnimation. All of You. #GoldenGlobe https://t.co/dXmni0KovR
— Jared Bush (@thejaredbush) January 10, 2022
This has been a year of turmoil for the HFPA that began with last year’s show when it was revealed the organization hat one Black member. NBC pulled out of televising the 2022 awards; the organization tried to reverse the bad press with subsequent changes to its bylaws and a rush to add more diverse members. The nominations were announced last month in a small ceremony hosted by HFPA president Helen Hoehne, joined by recording artist Snoop Dogg. The complete nominee list can be found here. The complete list of 2022 winners can be found here.
The winners:
Best Motion Picture – Animated
- Encanto - (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Best Original Score - Motion Picture
- Dune - (Warner Bros.) — Hans Zimmer
Best Original Song - Motion Picture
- “No Time to Die” from No Time to Die – (MGM/United Artists Releasing) — Billie Eilish, Finneas O’Connell
Source: Hollywood Foreign Press Association
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.