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Pitching Forum Blogs

Apply to the CEE Animation Workshop - Deadline for Submissions 23 November!

We are inviting you to apply to the CEE Animation Workshop, a year-long project, designed to boost creativity and story development, to build a stable financing structure for projects, to facilitate access to markets, and to provide a basis for efficient circulation of the finished works.

film animation festivals competition Blogs

28th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS), May 04 – 09, 2021 Calling for submissions to the 28th edition!

From now on, animated films completed after October 01, 2019 can be submitted to the main competitions of the 28th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS).

online stop motion animation competition SEMINARS WORKSHOPS Blogs

The ANIMARKT industry forum is now taking applications for online meetings, and is open until 20 September

The aim of the ANIMARKT industry forum, created by the MOMAKIN team from Łódź, is to establish international cooperation and connect the stop-motion animation market of Central Europe with Western and South America.

animated collaborative project Blogs

Yulia Ruditskaya launches collaborative animated film project to be projected on walls in Minsk and New York City.

Animator Yulia Ruditskaya has initiated a project to create a collaborative animated film supporting Belorusian protests to be projected on the walls in Minsk and New York City.

online film animation festivals competition SEMINARS WORKSHOPS Blogs

Anibar XI Animation Festival is going online Monday 17 August

We have the pleasure to inform you that we are ready for the XI edition of the Anibar Festival. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and for security reasons, we have decided to conduct the entire festival online.

film animation festivals competition Blogs

CALL FOR ENTRIES: 18th International Animation Film Festival Tindirindis 2020 November 28 - December 08 in Vilnius, Lithuania

CALL FOR ENTRIES: 18th International Animation Film Festival Tindirindis 2020 November 28 - December 08 in Vilnius, Lithuania

film animation festivals competition Blogs

ANNECY INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FESTIVAL ONLINE 15 – 30 June 2020 Annecy, France: Life on the Couch – Again

I finally finished watching every film and program that Annecy Online had to offer by the end of the two-week online festival. I spent sixteen hours a day on my couch staring at a screen.

film animation festivals competition Blogs

Call for Entries for the Short Film competitions: 27th International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima (17th - 22nd November 2020)

ANIMA COMPETITION – festival competition allows the applicants to submit animated films (including professional and independent films as well as student etudes) which do not exceed 30 minutes in length and were made between years 2018-2020.

Festivals Blogs

Call for entries - Animasyros13 International Animation Festival - 23 - 27 September 2020 – Syros Island, Greece

Animasyros Festival has launched a strategic partnership with the MIFA-Animation du Monde department of the Annecy Festival. Submission for the Pitching Forum Agora open until 30.6.2020

Festivals Blogs

Call for Entries - Warsaw Animation Film Festival - SUBMISSION DEADLINE - 10TH OF JUNE 2020

The 2nd Warsaw Animation Film Festival will take place online between the 27th of August and the 2nd of September 2020, and will be available for audiences in Poland. 
