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Category: Call for Entries

Studios Headline News

Vinton Studios Announces The Tiki Challenge: A $50,000 Contest

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, May 9, 2001 at 12:00am

Portland, Oregons Vinton Studios announced The Tiki Challenge, an unusual contest aimed at advertising agency employees only. The winner will be awarded a certificate worth $50,000 off the cost of a computer-generated commercial production at Vinton Studios, or an all-expenses-paid weekend for two in Las Vegas. Runners-up will receive invitations for an all-expenses-paid trip to the studios renowned Animation Camp in Portland, or other prizes including a MP3 player, a digital camera and a Palm Pilot.

Festival Headline News

Festival Synthesis Puts Out Call For CG Toons

* Friday, May 24 Sunday, May 26, 2001. Hornu, Belgium.

Entry Deadline: May 10, 2001.

The 8th Edition of the Festival Synthesis is a festival dedicated to CG movies and animations. Last year the event had 10,000 visitors. This year's Synthesis will feature a retrospective on the work of ILM. The event will also include screenings, discussions, company presentations and product demos. For more information contact the festival at: 360 Amphitheatre d'Hades, 7301 Hornu, Belgium; or E-mail: or
