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More garbage

By sherbalex | Monday, June 21, 2004 at 7:19pm


Kinda questioning why I'm sharing this. Guess I wanna milk it for everything it's worth. It got the Daily Feature on, so it can't be all bad. So yeah uhh gimme thoughts opinions etc.

sherbalex's picture


Harvey Human's picture

The character animation and timing is very impressive. congratulations. I can hardly wait to see your next one.

madaman90's picture
Submitted by madaman90 on

This is the third post in as many weeks that I have made to internet movie people. Is there something that I should be aware of as a Macintosh user in order to see some of these films on off of AWN?

The window for this film doesn't show anything more than a banner that says "chickens" on it. Nothing loads, period.

What is-a-I-a doing wrong?


Harvey Human's picture

It's just the Flash player, neighbor. It should install automatically. If not, go to

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I am not a fan of blood and gore, but that was pretty cute. I would lose that animated gif on the side, it's pretty distracting after a while.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Graphiteman's picture

I didn't get it but I agree with HH's first reply. Some neat funny movement there.