Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
For me it's the overall magic of the season. It's cold it's dark, but still there is hope. Christmas used have a whole lot more magic for me when there were kids around, but my nephews are in their thirties now. No more kids, but it still holds magic for me...not the same but guess I'll never totally forget my beliefs. Share what makes it special for you.
I know this isn't the greatest animation, but I really like this song and to me it speaks of the season.
I've been doing to much static graphic work lately, I am having to really force anything I want to do animationwise. So Wade please I am not asking for a critique, just trying to share some Christmas spirit. Wish others would share also. Merry Christmas All.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
What makes it happen for me is that usually I hold out until the last minute, hating christmas, being a grinch-scrooge. Then on Christmas Eve my mood breaks, I watch It's a Wonderful Life, cry my friggen eyes out, and hope for a better year to come.
This year's been different. Starting work early on a Christmas cartoon (that won't even be a trailer this year if I don't get after it in a serious way), expecting a baby who's now 3 1/2 weeks old. I still have a bit of the bad Christmas spirit somewhere, which comes up as momentary bad moods, etc, but all I have to do is look at my new son and I get all darn teary (please don't tell anyone).
I hate the commercials, the retail push, the traffic. This year I don't hate the music. Santa is my friend. All is good.
...okay, I gotta go cry now... :)
Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...
Kids make the difference in a big way. Even if they are too young to understand, they hold that optimisim that things can be better and if they are your kids you hope to hell things are going to be better. And even though I
never had kids of my own I always wished the world was better for them...this year that's not so clear. A close friend of mine's son just enlisted and finished basic training...he could have been anything he wanted to be. Won scholarships right and left, but he wanted to serve....I just hope he never gets stationed over there, but I know that's unrealistic.
I thought when they closed the door on Vietnam, my days of worrying were over...I was wrong. I now have two I have to worry about. Keith never won scholarships or could have gone on to college with his family...he's on his second tour over there right now. All he ever wanted to be was a chef....I hope he makes it home to finish his dream.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
What else is X-mas about??? :)
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
My family and the smell of cinnamon!
If you guys ever wondered how christmas smells in other countries? Well, it smell of cinnamon, lemon zest and sugar...
I love Christmas, I always have and always will, it hasn't lost any of its magic!
"check it out, you know it makes sense!"
the sound of jingle bells
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the fastest polygon in the west!
Jingle bells and cinnamon, bring back memories. For years I helped my mom decorate 12 dozen sugar cookies every year. Some of the last one's ended up pretty lame, but I treasure the time I spent with my mom then. We gave the ugly ones to people we didn't like that much. Some of those cookies turned out really ugly, but we had a lot of time to talk to each other while we were doing it. We talked of lots of different things, things she probably wouldin't have openned up about any other time. For you young folks, start making memories, the years fly by faster than you think.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.