I have been out of the animation loop for awhile and I need some advice.
I am helping a friend with initial character design and development. I will be creating this character and its initial features, personalities and movements. We will be hiring another animator to bring it to life.
I would like to know the going rates these days.
How much should I charge him for this project? Hourly or Project Rate? What is a fair price for what I will be doing? This is a beta version so we are unsure of how much time it will take.
Also, do you know of any good templates for writing up contracts?
Any ideas or advice would be appreciated.
Thanks for your help.
Peace to you all.
to mu knolwdge the rate range from 500$ to 2000$ depends on how u negotiate
Do you mean $500-$2000 as a standard project rate? Rather than an hourly rate?
Thanks for your help.
Something to consider in arranging pricing, etc. is the participation of rights. In Europe, it is unlikely to win experienced designers for a project under ~1000 Euro per character without at least partial participation on rights. Or reversion of rights upon non-use of projects etc.
One reason you may not have many answers here is because the specifics of the project (TV series, interactive, national / international markets, no. of characters in project, complexity of charactes, etc.) haven't been described. So its hard to assess expenditures for the work and communication, follow-ups and project life-shelf, etc.
How much is your time worth to you right now? That would be a good starting point.