I just wanted to say anyone who hasn't heard of the artist Glen Vilppu to go out and buy his book right now! If you want to improve your life drawing skills he is the man to see. I just started a class with him at SCAD (he's a visiting artist this quarter) and I must say he is INCREDIBLE to watch draw. The class I am taking is a facial expressions course and I can't wait to apply it to my animation!
Character Animator - Lucas Arts
Character Animator - Lucas Arts
Your so lucky! That class was full by the time it was my turn to register :(
"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane
Thanks Matt,
You are very fortunate to be in his class...I hoping he will do some workshops- so I can draw with him- he is amazing!
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Have you Heard of Burne Hogarth??? He is one of my fav.
I'm reading a book of his right now. Dynamic Anatomy.