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Maya 6.0 and Image Plane Problem...Help?

Has anyone run into an issue with Maya 6.0's Image Planes appearing black in either the Ortho or Persp views?
I'm sure it's something I'm doing/not doing. But I can't figure this out.
I'm using .tiff files...but I've tried a couple other formats as well. Nothing is helping...
If I get the image to appear in the Ortho view, it's completely black in the Persp view.
If I get it to show up in the Persp view, it's black in the Ortho.
Little Help Please?

helicopterr's picture

Certain graphics cards don't handle image planes well. What I do is instead just created a polyplane and apply a lambert shader to it with your image file. That way you can even rotate your image.

I agree with Boss, CGtalk is a much better venue where you can probably get your question answered by seraching for posts.

Ed_Gavin's picture
Submitted by Ed_Gavin on

Speak for yourself; I usually lap with my tongue.

As confirmed by his original avatar.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

Adam Duff's picture
Submitted by Adam Duff on

Hey there,

Well, although your problem might be related to the graphics card, I've never heard of that happening in Maya.

Here's a few things that you might want to check out.

- If your background is black, then maybe your "near clip plane" or "far clip plane" is set too high or low. The near and far clip planes refer to your default camera, and how far you can see with them. If your near clip plane is set to -6 for instance, and you scroll further than -6, your image plane with dissapear. By going into your attribute editor, LMB clicking the camera, you'll automatically make the attribute editor for the camera pop up on the right side of your screen. From there, if you scroll down a little, you'll see two sliding bars for near and far clip plane. Adjust those to set the camera, so you don't lose your image when you zoom in or out.

Another thing that might be, is in the "image plane attributes editor", which you can access by one of the drop-down menu's located at the top of any of your views, and under "view", scroll down to "camera", then "image plane", then "image plane attribute editor". It's at the very bottom.
It is possible that your image plane was set too dark. By default, it's not supposed to do that, but maybe there's a glitch or preset default for a low value, on your image plane.
In the same "image plane attribute editor", you'll see another scroll bar, that controls the lightness/darkness of your image plane. With this bar, you can make your image plane lighter or darker. Check to see if that bar is set all the way to the left, which would make your image plane black.

The only other suggestion that I could make is to try different file jpeg. I usually use jpegs for image planes as well as tiffs. You never know what the problem is. It might just work.And maybe there's a problem with how you're saving your files in photoshop. Check the "color" settings, and make sure that your image isn't set to anything but greyscale or RGB.

I don't know if my advice will get you far, but maybe this might help...good luck one way or another.
