Hi all!! I'm currently only versed in the basics of classical animation. My question is this: Having drawn all the necessary shots, and fixed animation 'pegs / pins' to my scanner, I'm ready to scan all my shots. With NO experience of animation programmes , is there a basic animation program out there where I can input all my scans, in order, and have it play as an animation (preferably in a loop). I kown this may seem like simple stuff, but I'm only finding my way thru animation now. I'd like to see what i can do 'classically', before I get into even drawing on a computer. Thanks! :)
Very basic question from 1st time animator
By RobbieBonham | Friday, May 20, 2005 at 12:56am
Very basic question from 1st time animator
You could also try the Tapptoons software.
There`s a free pencil test programme, the Tapptoons Linetester and the more elaborate Tapptoons Animation Studio which is available in demo form for evaluation.
Both can be downloaded from
Jabberwocky, I mean for one drawing alone in selectivity, not the frame rate itself. I did try the site and the screenshot looks like that's the case. But imagine if it were a Flash-style setup where you have to shift every single key. They need a macro or something for that =)
If all you want to do is simple pencil tests without sound or fancy scene composition, try the freeware pencil tester Monkey Jam: http://www.giantscreamingrobotmonkeys.com/monkeyjam/.
Free, rather easy to use, scanner support. There are way, way better pencil test programs like Flipbook, of course, but you have to buy those.
Thanks a million, Jabberwocky!
Please don't click on this
Does MonkeyJam allow you to change for how many frames a given drawing is displayed?
Yes, there's an entry for it in the dropdown menues at the top of the screen. The standard value is 25 fps but it can be changed.