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A Kindled Destiny

Aeon Flux
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Harry Potter 4
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Chicken Little
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Total votes: 1


DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

Animation has revolutionized entertainment as we know, from esteem cartoons, to out if this world games, it is one of the most prominent advertising mediums, and without it, dreams would never be inspired.

What does "Animation" mean to you? And-
Where do you see it in the future?

Is it that hard a question? come on, a little insight please :rolleyes:

Animation has long been a fantastic art form, rendering all who beholds it, to conform to it's every fantasy.
It is the dominant aura in our child life, it is what thought us to dream, without it, innocense would be corrupted by "experience."
Animation to me will become revolutionized into an artform, that would border reality, that is, it will soon become.......................real.
This is the poetic side of my thoughts, do not be too rash in your thinking, since life renders nothing to a single evolution.

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Animation constitutes a kind of "fast-food/low-brow" form of entertainment, as witnessed by the oft-heavily politicized nature of its acceptance and handling in entertainment.
True, its an artform, and one that delights and inspires quite a few people, but its not taken seriously as a entertainment form unless it rakes in very large dollar amounts. On its own, its considered a children's medium, despite tireless efforts by genuinely talented creators to wrench it from those doldrums--most animation is insipid anway. Let's face facts, most of it is aimed directly at children, not adults.
The "animation" that is used in adult material mostly account for nothing more than special effects in life action films--true adult animated material simply doesn't have a large audience ( despite protestations from animation fans).

The animation in games is limited by the processing speeds of the most common platforms, and the polygon counts and frame-rates tend to compromise it even them. Most games have a limited thematic trend to them anyway, but the cinematics have come a long way in terms of establishing mood/ambience. The Game plan is seldom as evolved.

TV cartoons reamin dreary--because they MUST aim for the lowest common denominator--the stupidest percentage of the population--and that is a fact of life and of the business.
Because the bias towards animation is strongly on the side of it being a juvenile medium, it'll always get the short end of the stick in terms of ratings, or be forced to use shock-value when it wants to get prime-time ratings.
Most audiences are not at all interested in "art"--they could care less about how beautifully animated something is. Most audiences simply want their emotional mesaured dosage of humour, thrills or pathos in a easily interpreted, readily familliar form.

The medium leaves a "profound" affect on its practioners as to its meanings and poyential, but is other, more manifold, consumers are simply not interested in exploring that potential as we artists see it.
Things will remain much at they have for the past 4 years, with only technological advances improving greatly and artistic merits gaining minute ground. Its been this way for decades and has shown zero signs of changing in any other way.

skinnylizard's picture

what it means to me is not important. i however do see a greater scope of animation in the near future. The past few generation has been steadily weaned on more and more animated/Video game/anime influences from an early age. I think it will be a more universal language for an older group of consumers in the youth segment as things wear on.
tech was it is difficult to say.

are you writing a term paper ;)

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I think the field/art/craft of animation is wide open right now with the advent of computer animation. Now individuals can release their dreams. And there is some good stuff out there made by individuals willing to search and work for their dreams.

These guys are a good example:

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

I think the field/art/craft of animation is wide open right now with the advent of computer animation. Now individuals can release their dreams. And there is some good stuff out there made by individuals willing to search and work for their dreams.

These guys are a good example:

You are a well open minded person, we need more people like you in the art of LITERARY. :)

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

Kaleidoscope's picture

Answering the first question

I always liked animation, and ever since I saw Lion King when I was little, I was so amazed at how much I cared for and believed in the characters, that it inspired me to want to dream up wild and fantastic stories that I could share with others. Interestingly, lately I've found Miyazaki's way of storytelling enchanting - the characters are so complicated and I like his view that there is no clear cut evil that yu can stamp mark, but lif is diverse and ranged.

I see animation as a great way to tell wonderful stories that you couldn't do in other mediums, that inspire people to think beyond their normal lives. Sometimes really commercial work has that, sometimes it doesn't. But I think whether its even in indepentant features, people will always want to sue animation to tell their own tales. Anyway that's what animation means to me!

Oh and I think the tools with which it wil be expressed will keep changing as people find new ways to tell these stories in their own way.

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

Answering the first question

I always liked animation, and ever since I saw Lion King when I was little, I was so amazed at how much I cared for and believed in the characters, that it inspired me to want to dream up wild and fantastic stories that I could share with others. Interestingly, lately I've found Miyazaki's way of storytelling enchanting - the characters are so complicated and I like his view that there is no clear cut evil that yu can stamp mark, but lif is diverse and ranged.

I see animation as a great way to tell wonderful stories that you couldn't do in other mediums, that inspire people to think beyond their normal lives. Sometimes really commercial work has that, sometimes it doesn't. But I think whether its even in indepentant features, people will always want to sue animation to tell their own tales. Anyway that's what animation means to me!

Oh and I think the tools with which it wil be expressed will keep changing as people find new ways to tell these stories in their own way.

Beautiful! absolutely BEA-TI-FUL, excellent characterisation as it relates to your true emotions, your quote will inspire many who seek the piercing truth.
Keep up your excellent portrayls, you have a friend in me :)

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel